Welcome to the Villain wing of the Galleria! Here you can find all of the villain bionicle sets included in our collection.
This is Atakus, an agori from the rock tribe. This set was released in 2009
This is Makuta Teridax, a member of the makuta species and the main antagonist of the bionicle story. This set was released in 2003
Curator's note: Makuta Teridax is sometimes called "Terry" or "Teri" for short by the bionicle fandom
This is Gadunka, a rahi who is normally microscopic in size but was enlarged by the power of the Kanohi Ignika (AKA the Mask of Life). It was released in 2007
Curator's note: rahi is the word used for the fauna of the bionicle universe. We have several examples of rahi in our collection that can be found in other wings of the museum
This is Makuta Gorast, a member of the makuta species. She was released in 2008
This is Kalmah, one of the Barraki. He was released in 2007
Curator's note: the Barraki were warlords from far in the past who, as punishment for their actions in the story, were banished to a prison called The Pit where they were inadvertently mutated into aquatic forms.
This is Karzahni, the Satan allegory for the bionicle universe. His set was released in 2007.
Curator's note: This is technically not the original form of Karzahni, although it was the only version of him to receive a set. It has become a quite rare set as it was only released for a very limited time, and only sold in Toy's R Us stores. This is also a different color palette version of the set. The actual set included several recolored pieces that ONLY appeared in this set, making all of the recolors and the set as a whole quite expensive. We at the (D)CBaBE determined that because of this it would be easier, and much cheaper, to instead purchase the necessary pieces in easier to find colors individually. This set is also probably one of my absolute favorites in the entire collection, but don't tell the other sets I said that!
This is Keerakh, an ice Vahki. It was released in 2004
This is Makuta Krika, a member of the makuta species. He was released in 2008
Curator's note: this set has been altered from its original form. I added an extra pair of small arms to make him appear more insect-like
This is Lariska, a dark hunter assassin. She was released in 2022
Curator's note: astute visitors might find her release date odd, since Lego announced in 2016 that the bionicle theme was being discontinued. Lariska never received an official set, instead Duckbricks held a "fanon" (portmanteau of "fan" and "canon") design contest which announced this set as its winner in October of 2022
This is Mantax, one of the Barraki. He was released in 2007
This is Maxilos, a previously lifeless robot possessed by Makuta Teridax himself. It was released in 2007
This is Nuhvok, the bohrok of earth. It was released in 2002
This is a Rahkshi of heat vision. It was released with the Stars line in 2010
This is Reidak, one of the Piraka who had the power of earth. He was released in 2005
This is Roodaka, a dark hunter and queen of the visorak horde. She was released in 2005
Curator's note: this set is modified from its original form. She originally had a spinner launcher replacing her right arm, a design choice which I never really liked much. Because of this I gave her a normal right arm and attached the spinner to her upper arm. She is also often called "Mommy Roodaka" because of her domineering personality in the "Web of Shadows" movie
This is Makuta Teridax, the main antagonist of the bionicle story. It was released in 2001
Curator's note: this is not an official set. Its based on the "tohunga" or "McToran" sets that came in McDonald's happy meals in 2001, but altered for increased range of movement
This is Tahnok-Kal, the bohrok-kal of electricity. It was released in 2003
This is Takidox, one of the Barraki. He was released in 2007
This is Makuta Vamprah, a member of the makuta species. He was released in 2008
Curator's note: This set has been altered from its original form. I altered it to make him look more bat-like and to change his original leg design, which I was never a fan of
This is Vezon, one of the Piraka. He was released in 2006
Curator's note: This specific version of Vezon is from the version that was relesaed with the Kardas Dragon
This is Vorzakh, a vahki of air. It was released in 2004
This is Vorzakh, a vahki of stone. It was released in 2004
This is Zesk, an agori from the sand tribe. It was released in 2009